This advanced massage will allow you to develop techniques within massage to enable you to offer a deeper massage for those who are more physically active. A Sports massage tends to work on specific areas of the body rather than offering a full body massage. We tend to work on a more targeted approach to assist client with areas of the body that need specific focus in need of healing or pain relieving. A Sports massage can be used to prepare the body for sporting activities helping to prevent injury. With the manipulation of soft tissue this can aid those that are engaged in regular physical activity. This is an advanced massage course therefore you will be required to be a qualified massage therapist to enrol or join one of our suitable courses prior to taking this course.
Example Of Course Content
- health & safety
- data protection
- client care
- treatment preparations
- anatomy & physiology
- client consultation
- contra-actions
- promoting & marketing
- hygiene incl: regulations
- ethical procedures
- contra-indications
- product preparation
- skin conditions
- indepth treatment training
- client after care
- business preparation
- ongoing student support once your course has finished